ArcSpace is at the forefront of in-orbit assembly, maintenance and manufacturing. They provide an innovative orbital platform to help companies validate and qualify their technologies in space.


As part of their fund-raising campaign, Arcspace wanted to quickly explain the principle behind their innovation. During their discussions with various parties, similar questions kept cropping up. They wanted to optimize the time spent with each party and present a long-term vision of the product.

Objective: Visualize their ConOps, or concept of operations, in a few moments, crucial for explaining their vision to investors and partners.

The full ConOps describes every detail of the innovation, but takes some time to assimilate.

The arms in their entirety, seen from a distance


We proposed to ArcSpace a video without text or voice, illustrating the stages of the project in chronological order: simple and straightforward.

Particular care was taken to ensure continuity: elements in the process of being designed were ingeniously presented to preserve the coherence and fluidity of movement.

A complex rig enabled precise, iterative animation, while lighting effects drew the viewers’ attention to key points, masking others.

Work progressed in stages, first validating the modeling, then the animation, and finally the lighting. The final touch was music and production in line with the desired image.

Close up of the head performing an action


The video allows Sylphaero to:

  • Explain their project in 2 minutes, to capturing the attention of prospects and investors

  • Accelerate discussions about the principle of innovation, allowing more time to focus on the rest

  • Rival the competition with its visual appeal

  • Complement the site's set visuals, enriching the user experience

  • Convey the company's vision during onboarding

Committed and perfectionist, they delivered high-quality animation despite the technical challenges.

Guillaume Mohara - CEO
